Tuesday, September 30, 2008

friday night.

So. Now comes Friday night. Friday night we don’t go to the bar for the first time, I think, since we’ve been in paris! Now, that doesn’t mean we didn’t have our fair share of fun. It just means we didn’t pay 9 euros for a beer. In fact, we paid nothing. Man I love house parties. Parisians need to have more of them. If only I lived in a proper house… in any case… one of our new friends from the park (the really cute blonde guy in some of the photos – Sebastian) told us about one of his friends’ house party that happened to be a five minute walk away from our place. Needless to say, we went. This nice guy named Amory, and his girlfriend Amelie (which sound eerily similar with a French accent – for the longest time I thought they had the same name which led to a large round of confusion and me going, ‘what’s your name?’ ‘so you have the same name?’ ‘oh, it’s different?’ ‘how?’… or something along those lines) and their third roommate amory’s sister welcomed us into their homes, and fed us wine. They were super nice, and I do hope we see them again sometime soon.

But, alas, they ran out of wine, and another one of our new friends from the park, ashik, told us that he had vodka, tequila, whisky and beer at his house—to which we responded with a resounding, where’s the nearest taxi? So off to the taxi stand we went. After a trek across most of the city, and into the very lively and interesting ‘turkish’ section of paris we arrived chez ashik to a welcoming shot of vodka. Yum. Tequila shots and the like followed. Then before we knew it, it was getting to be morning so the girls (sam, jess and I) left, escorted by our new friend Sebastian (seb), back to my house to get a ‘good night’ sleep. You know, like normal people who go to bed at 7am.

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