Monday, September 22, 2008

bateaux mouches

Team texas and us have had many grand adventures so far here in fabulous paris. One of which was our truly touristic act of going on one of those boats that goes up and down the seine called a ‘bateaux mouches’. Pretty much what it is is just a boat that goes up and down the river, pointing out all the famous landmarks, and repeating the same sentence about them in english, French, german, Spanish, Italian, Chinese (mandarin), Korean, and Japanese. Although, it actually is pretty cool because you get to see everything from the river which is not a normal perspective of such things. I’d recommend it.

Oh, and we classed it up by providing our own wine as an accompaniment to the beautiful scenery, oh, and by getting yelled at by some eastern European women because we were standing in the way of their photos, and they were too lazy to get up and move, instead they just felt like yelling at us and calling us stupid American children in polish. It was great fun!

oh, and the pope was in town giving mass at notre dame and the boat goes right past. so we were closer to the pope than most of paris. pretty much awesome.
(pope on the screen, well, kinda, in theory)

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