Wednesday, September 17, 2008

les marches

so michael and i got in on a thursday, and by sunday we've already been shopping. we went with our new friends (his roommate jason, his friend lindsay, and their friends maggie and barbera who happen to be 50 year old ladies on study abroad) we first headed off to the marche' bastille, the largest market in all of paris, which happens to be approximately a 7 minute walk from my house each tuesday and sunday. it's like the farmer's market, except totally better, and way bigger. i'm going to be forever jaded once i get back...

in any case, we went and shopped there, and loaded up on stuff. everything and anything you could possibly want. all vegetables, fruits, tons of cheese and eggs and diary. seafood and meat of every type. it's really amazing. so after that we treked back home, dropped off our goods and headed out to the end of the metro line 4 to a place called marche' aux puces, which literally means market of the fleas.

we get there, and have to walk through a bit of a seedy part of town where everyone is trying to sell you fake gucci, prada, etc. bags, watches, scarves, anything you wanted of a fake designer brand was there. oh and they were also awkwardly selling corn on the cob that had been cooked on old shopping carts transformed into little open fire pits. very odd, but i saw many self-respecting people eating it, and enjoying it, so maybe one of these days i'll have to try it.... maybe.

so the marche aux puces turned out to be this market for literally every type of old thing you could possibly want. it was a veritable outdoor antique store spread out over an immense track of land. it was huge. i got bored because antiques aren't totally my thing, but i amused myself by taking photos, until i got really yelled at by a group of shop owners. and that was the end of the market for me. so we left, went home and made a wonderful lunch with all of our new purchases.

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