Wednesday, September 17, 2008

gay pairee

so at last, we get to paris. after many adventures and many new friends. and a big long debate that i had in my head about whether or not i should stay at sidsmums for a bit longer, because why really did i need to get into paris 3 days before orientation.... in the end i decided i better buck up and just go. we had a big long conversation with a nice man on the train about the politics of gabon from a nice man who had been born there. it was rather amusing, and i've never learned so much about gabon in my life.

anywho, after our eye-opening african education michael and i got off the train and proceeded to make our way to the accent center. little did we know the weather was going to be so frigid. i was dressed for the south. shorts, and a tank top. it was cold in paris. in any case, we make it to the ACCENT center (the people who run our housing) and they give us a lunch. (so nice what 7000 rent for 4 months will buy you, one whole free lunch) in any case, michael and i had been on the train all morning so it was delicious. we even got cookies. : ) after lunch they hand us our keys and say okay bye. great fun it was trying to find the place hauling our luggage all over.

we get to the residence and meet michael's roommate, jason, who is fantastic. love him to death. we also met the other guy from the states who's doing the exact same program as us (staying with ACCENT and attending school at ESCP-EAP) his name is eddy. he is also hilarious and amazing. in any case, we move in and start to get situated. they gave me a room that's meant for two people, so i've got bunk beds and a really huge bathroom, and two windows!!! and my towel heater works!!! only downside: i live right next to the RA (the person who yells at you if you do something wrong). oh well. we had ortienation the next day where they told us that we're not allowed to have alcohol in the room, and we also can't have guests after 11pm. i am proud to say that both rules were successfully broken after day 2. : ) (aren't you proud mom?)

(photos of the apartment: one side and then the other)

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