Monday, September 22, 2008

ahh the joys of cross-cultural team sports

So Jessica and I had a brilliant idea during orientation week. Let’s join a sport. But me being me, and her being her, we get this brilliant idea to do something that isn’t offered in the US. so what do we choose… rugby. Yes, I am officially a rugby ‘baller’. Although I’m still a bit hazy on the rules. Mostly I run around saying. ‘quoi?’ (what?), and ‘ici’ (here) although when I get the ball I’m still not really sure what to do, so I pass it real fast like it’s hot potato or something. Oh, and the best part is, on the first day of practice I went up to the coach and said something to the extent of, ‘she doesn’t speak any French (while pointing at Jessica)’, and his response was (in french no less) ‘oh well, I suppose she’ll learn real fast because I don’t speak a word of English.’ Needless to say, it’s great fun. Because he’ll try and explain something and then look at me and say, ‘translate for her will you?’ which then turns into me saying, ‘well, jess, he said something about holding the ball near your chest, and another thing about holding it out at arms’ length, and something about one of them being better.’ Then jess will say something like, ‘well which one is better’ to which my response is, ‘I have no idea.’

This goes on for most of the practice. On occasion I have literally no idea what the man has said, or any of what the girls are talking about so jess and I stand around really really super awkwardly and just watch them until someone does something. Then we figure out what we’re supposed to be doing through our powers of deduction. Mostly it involves a lot of running.

I’m thinking that maybe eventually I’ll learn enough French to know the rules, but that’s still up in the air… good thing we don’t have games until November…

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