Tuesday, September 2, 2008

oh the general debauchery.

so i'm not quite sure where to start with this one...

... it all begins in an irish pub at around 4pm. we walk in because a guinness sounded absolutely brilliant, and we'd been walking around montpellier all day. also, i havent' really said much about montpellier yet. its' filled with students. absolutely packed. and it's super gorgeous. and just an amazing city. pictures are on facebook for anyone who wants them. in any case, back to beer. we walk in and order two itty bitty beers on accident. don't fret, we managed to make up for it later in the night. anywho, we start talking to this nice guy next to us who literally looked like something out of an indiana jones movie. literally. (see below)

alright, so talking to him we learn loads. he's an antiques dealer. he has four sons. his wife died recently. one of his sons is named 'naughty nick' so naturally i'm interested. in any case, we wind up talking to him for the next oh i dont know, long time. eventually some of his friends come.

the drinking continues. we move from guinness to this thing called pastis, which as it turns out, is mildly on the same field as absinthe. tastes like licorice. i have two. finally 9 or so rolls around and all of us have yet to eat so the decision is made to head off to a japanese restaurant. and since we've been drinking with andrew and the rest of the crew (dom and mark and janine and rob) for the past few hours we're apparently invited to join in.

after a rather confusing walk through the back streets of montpellier we wind up at this little japanese restaurant that is packed with people. after rounds of sashimi, and other things that i dont know the name of (as well as a few bottles of saki) dinner is over and the tab is being picked up by andrew. (don't worry mama, i thanked him profusely, he wouldn't let us pay either, we tried hard)

after dinner it's time for a change of pace, namely more drinks at a place called the cubanito bar. naturally mojitos. so after a few of those and some dirty girl scout shots (bailey's and creme de menthe) poor little ol' michael couldn't handle it and he wound up throwing up in the bar. so i got to walk him all the way back to the hotel and we got to the hotel and i was like, 'okay, do you think you can make it from here?' (note: all he had to do was walk to the top of the 4 story building and we were the only room on the top floor) and he goes, 'no, can you take me?' so up we went. i tucked him into bed, and then did what any self-respecting good wisconsin girl would do. i headed back to the bar to hang out with the new friends. under strict orders of drunk michael to, 'take lots of pictures' because he wasn't sure if he'd be able to remember them in the morning. : )

off to the bar i went, only to return home in the wee hours of the morning to get about 2 hours of sleep before we had to be up and on the train to carcassonne. and that's another story...

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