Tuesday, September 30, 2008

days in the park.

So I’m pretty sure that this happened before a few of the other things that I’ve already put into the blog, but hey it never hurts to back track, right?

So… in the not so distant past, oh say a few Sundays ago or so, it was absolutely beautiful here in paris. I mean, really gorgeous. So we get the brilliant (and when I say brilliant I really mean it!) idea to go hang out in a park. Michael, victor and eddy and I go and join the crew that’s already been sitting in the park for awhile with their new friends from that morning. There’s wine, and conversation (in 4 or so different languages if I remember correctly) and a bit of leftover brunch from that morning. We meet loads of people, who are all amazing and super nice. And they go over and recruit a few random strangers to come over and join us. note: these people were invited solely on the fact that they had musical instruments and could therefore be our entertainment for a little bit. Needless to say, it was absolutely fantastic. Love the park. Can’t wait until we get one last nice day here so we can have one last hurrah….

(don't they all look so european? i love it. i love this place.)

musical entertainment

the blob on the left side is a couple going at it in the middle of the park... paris is the place for lovers right?

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