Wednesday, October 15, 2008

techno + parade = brilliant

Alright, so this is where the story (meaning the ridiculousness that is my life in paris) gets even better. We wake up on Saturday morning. Me spooning Samantha in my lower bunk, and a very cute French boy (Seb) sleeping in my upper bunk. (Something I could wake up to everyday and be totally content with) in any case, seb and we wake up, and more or less the first thing out of his mouth is ‘do you guys want to go to the techno parade?’ to which we respond with a resounding, ‘what the hell are you talking about?’

Turns out there’s this thing once a year in paris aptly named the techno parade. This glorious concept was elaborated upon by seb, when eddy asked him, ‘what’s a techno parade?’ the conversation was something as follows:
Eddy: ‘what’s a techno parade?’
Seb: ‘do you know what techno is?’
Eddy: ‘yeah’
Seb: ‘do you know what a parade is?’
Eddy: ‘yeah’
Seb: ‘ put them together. It’s something like that.’
And that it was.

Jess, eddy, sam, seb and I arrived at the techno parade (all except eddy and I dressed in the clothing choices of the night before). Pretty much if I had to sum it up it was a massive pack of adolescent teenagers between the age of 13 and 16 drunk and high on ecstasy dancing to really massively loud techno music that was being played on a sort of driving float-bus-thing that had a world famous dj on it. Pretty much awesome. Oh, and there were people climbing on just about everything they could to either get a better view or a better dance floor. And when I say they were climbing on everything I mean it—telephone booths, windowsills, construction crates, cars—you name it, they climbed on it. It was totally ridiculous, and nothing like anything I’ve ever seen back at home. Moving DJs, meaning they each had their own floats and such. Totally bizarre. Only in paris.

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