Sunday, February 15, 2009

day five. dear god, i have so much to update still...

DAY FIVE: So this day was mostly a lost day for us. The party from the night before ended at 5am, per a normal ESCP party, so it was down to the metro to wait for the first train to arrive. This is where we seem to make a lot of friends. 5 or 6am while waiting for the metro. At this point sami and I are in our, ‘hey do you need a roommate?’ phase, where we keep asking everyone whether or not they need a roommate, and if they do, if they want to live with us. tonight was no exception. While waiting for the train we meet these boys named Yoann and Jean, brothers in fact, and we get to talking to them. They seem nice enough, and we talked to them for about 45 minutes while we were waiting for the train. So we ask them if they would want to live with us, to which they both then began to fight about which one of them would be able to live with us. after about 10 minutes of argument they settled on a rotating schedule of week on and week off. Meaning: one of them would live with us for the week, and the next week the other one would come. Brilliant plan at 5am I tell you, brilliant plan.

In any case, we make it back to our current home – the hotel – and ask the deskman (the nice one) what time checkout was for the following afternoon. He says noon. It is currently 630 in the morning. so in response sami and I say, ‘can we have a wake up call at 1130 please?’ he laughs, and agrees. And it’s off to bed. We get the wake up call in the morning, and start rushing to get out of the room and shower in time. Still with no idea where we’re going. We get all ready, and packed and sami and I look at each other and say, I really don’t feel good…. Wanna just get another night? Yes, yes we did. So we head downstairs, tell the front desk person, and the cleaning ladies that there’s no need to clean the room, and head back to bed. 4pm rolls around and we decide we best be getting up for the day.

Sami’s cousin calls and we decide that we should move our luggage out of sami’s old apartment and into Tanti’s (sam’s cousin) house in the banlieue (the suburbs). So we head across town to go do that. The new girls in sam’s apartment open the door and proceed to give us a death stare. Like what the hell are you doing in my house again. SCARY. In a valiant attempt at gaining brownie points with the girl I tell her I think her shoes are cute. NOTE: They were not. And she was not amused in any case, so alas, no brownie points awarded this round. So sami and I quickly packed an overnight bag for the next night in the hotel, and then started to re-organize all of our stuff to pack up and take out to VAUJOURS. The new home of our luggage until we move into the apartment on the 2nd of feb. so we drag everything down and pile it all in the entrance to sami’s old apartment. And the amount of stuff we’ve managed to accumulate is just obscene… so in any case, tanti comes, and we pile everything into the car. It was like a real live jigsaw puzzle. Hilarious trying to watch tanti drive away with everything, and just enough space in the car for her to sit in the driver’s seat. Soo funny. So off she goes, and off we go to Royal Pereire to celebrate one more step on our ridiculous journey toward apartment living. After a few beers at our favorite haunt it was back to the hotel to go to bed at a reasonable hour for our first day of classes the next day.

below is a photo of where vaujours actually is. it's the little yellow part. paris is the white part in the middle. it's one hour outside of paris by metro. ew.

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