Sunday, February 15, 2009

day six : chez nacho.

DAY SIX: we wake up with good spirits and head off to our first day of class. This is sami’s first day of French class at all, because she didn’t have any French classes last semester. She was a bit nervous, super cute. in any case the class goes off without any issues, so we decide to celebrate by heading down to the school bar! We have a few cheap beers. Love the school bar and its cheapness. Then we get a message from our friends that says, hey, want to come get dinner with us. sami and i agree that that sounds like a brilliant idea. So we wait for them, then head off to find something to eat. And of all the places that we could go in this wonderful city, we go to macdonalds. Sami and I sit and watch the boys eat (neither of us were in the mood for macdo) and the boys and us wind up talking for about 2.5 hours. Ridiculous. All the while sitting in mcdonalds. After that, we get on the metro and sami and I mention that we need to go back to the banlieue still tonight, and one of the boys we were with throws a fit. Tells us we can’t and in his words exactly, ‘IF YOU GO HOME LIKE THIS, YOU WILL BE RAPED OR ROBBED.’ etc. etc. super sweet and cute. so sami and I, after much debate, decide to stay the night in paris at our friend’s house, Nacho. So in any case, we head back to Nacho’s to drop our stuff off, and we decide that since we’re staying in paris and we don’t have class until 130 the next afternoon we may as well go out and celebrate! Clearly. So we change clothes, and head out on the town. Making a stop at our friend Omar’s house so he can change too. After much hilarity on behalf of cultural miscommunications we were finally off to the bars. After a few drinks, it was back to nacho’s house for the big sleepover!!! Samantha, me, Nacho, and our other friend Edu. So after sitting around and hanging out for a long time, it was finally time for bed. We pulled out the couch and all settled down to sleep. Sami and I sleeping normally on the bed with edu sleeping at our feet. (see diagram below)

So, now that you understand how things were laid out in the bed, you will understand our issues better. So sami and I weren’t really tired so we were doing what any normal girls to at a sleepover, goofing off, gossiping and giggling, and edu really wanted to sleep but we weren’t letting him. But that’s besides the point. Sami and I quieted down for a bit, and then all of a sudden we hear this rustling sound. So sami and I say, ‘Edu???’ and he says, ‘yes?’ ‘are you making that noise?’ ‘what noise, this noise?’ and he rustles his feet again. So we say, ‘yes, that noise! Edu are you moving your feet?’ and he says, yes, it relaxes me. just like a 6 year old little boy. Too cute. so after a bit of time, sami and I finally decided that we couldn’t handle edu sleeping at the foot of the bed anymore. Mostly I couldn’t handle it because I couldn’t stretch out at all. So after a tickle match between sami and I versus edu we tell him that he should move and come sleep in the middle so that way we could all stretch out. After some argument we finally succeed in making him move to the middle. All was fine and dandy and off to bed we went. Until sometime in the morning, or the middle of the night when I get hit repeatedly by edu. I roll over and say ‘what?’ ‘what do you want?’ and in response I get edu fanning himself and sort of grunting, in an attempt to tell me that he’s hot and needs the covers off. Since he woke me up I was a bit grumpy so I respond with a, ‘so take your pants and sweater off.’ He does and after a quick rustle of his feet he’s back to snoring the night away.

Oh! I forgot something. Big spoon and little spoon. Samantha and I were discussing big spoon and little spoon before we went to bed. Edu, being from spain, and Spanish being his native language, did not understand that. Our friend Ignacio, who’s house we were staying at attempts to explain it in Spanish, but edu is still a bit confused, so in order to clear up exactly the difference between big spoon and little spoon, Ignacio came out of his room and his bed, and decided to demonstrate to edu (using him as little spoon) just exactly what big spoon was.

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