Tuesday, January 27, 2009


DAY THREE: it is now Friday of our first week of adventures. And after the escapades of the night before we woke up at 430 in the afternoon. Not a time very conducive to finding an apartment… oops. Made a few appointments to see some apartments for the next day and then we decided to just sit in our beds and do nothing for a bit. So we play spider solitaire – our new obsession – and watch our new favorite TV show MOT DE PASSE.
Note: mot de passe – is a tv show exactly like password in the states. So pretty much sami and I sit and try and figure out the definitions of words based on the clues that the contestants give. More or less it’s our really nerdy way of improving our grammar in a really ridiculously fun way.
So.. we sat online, played spider solitaire and watched ‘mot de passe’ for like 3 hours. Real amazing. Then, off to where our suitcases were being stored for another round of clothing. Then off to sami and my favorite haunt, ROYAL PEREIRE, for a beer or four. Then back to the hotel, drunk, giddy, and confused about all that had already happened after only three days of Parisian life take two. More internet and French TV. After that, it was bedtime. And yes, that was our entire day.

DAY FOUR: This day we awaken with high hopes, and three apartment showing appointments. WOO HOO. After a quick shower sami and I are off to the first showing. I feel like crap the whole way there. and then on the metro I start to get even worse because of my motion sickness. So by the time we get to the first apartment I feel like just laying down on the street and curling up into a ball. But I go in anyway, where I am then overwhelmed by the smell of paint. Apparently the woman is re-doing the apartment. Anywho, its super cute and we ask the woman if she’s willing to sign an 8 month lease. She more or less laughs at us in our face and says hell no. strike one.
At that point I can’t take it anymore, so we head back to the hotel to go take a nap/vomit (me). let me just say, that was the best nap I’ve taken in ages. So after like a 4 hour nap it’s off to our next appointment. One of our showings was already rented earlier that day and the other apartment is in the 9th arrondissement (Area) in Paris. And it was amazing. Something out of an IKEA showroom. Except in a good way. It’s huge. Two couches. Dining room. Living room. CABLE. A DRYER!!!!!!! (those don’t exist really that often in france, fyi) sami and I tell the landlord that we’ll take it immediately. He says he’ll call later. Back to the hotel. I get into the bathtub, and while I’m in there I hear sami talking on the phone, and then I hear her scream…. WE GOT THE APARTMENT!!!! He picked us!!! So after a very trying first few days of homelessness in paris we finally had something to hope for. Only issue: can’t move in until the 2nd of February. Oh dear. Oh well, another problem for another day. After much yelling, screaming, and girly giggling we decided it was time to go get ready to go get dinner and go out to the school party that was going on that night. we decided to head back to visit our new friends at pizza pino. We got the pizza pino equivalent of star treatment. Free drinks and extremely attentive servers. At one point, sami dropped her chapstick and got up to look for it, and literally, I’m not kidding you, literally every single server rushed over and asked her what happened. It was as though the world was ending, and yet it was a case of a tube of dropped chapstick. Hilarious. After our joyous reception chez pizza pino we head off to meet up with one of the Americans and her finnish friends and then to head to the party. All the while in a mood of elated giddiness because of our good fortune with the apartment. And then sami lost her phone at the school party. Something always has to go wrong. Oh well, since then (it has now been nearly two weeks) sami and I have been sharing a joint phone. Along with the rest of our lives. And a towel. (to be explained in the near future…)

1 comment:

musia said...

dear Amy, here I come :) nice job on your blog. dude, I'm home and I'm about to crash. really tired :S I am totally going to check your blog, but not right now. looks kool and I liked the pics of some chick in front of your laptop and raccoons. I would doubt that raccoons are from France though... :)
I'm going to have afternoon coffee in San Jose, Costa Rica this Saturday afternoon :)
take care
