Sunday, November 2, 2008

le tournois du rugby

Hello all.

So after a big long week of school off I suppose I’m ready to start blogging once again. I’ve had a couple of rugby matches now. And its absolutely brilliant. After the last game I was bleeding from my right knee and my left knee looked like someone took a mallet to it and just beat it. It was purple and green and blue. Totally ridiculous. But rugby really is loads of fun. We had a tournament on Thursday and it was an all day thing. 6 different schools. And each school brought a girls rugby team, boys rugby team, boys and girls soccer. In any case, we tied our first match and won our second and then ran out of time to play our third. Which was lame. But in any case, ESCP wound up winning the entire thing, the whole gosh darn tournament. Needless to say there was much celebration both on the bus ride home (the games are an hour outside of paris) and afterwards in the school bar. Very fun. Oh, and some famous track star was there too, but alas, my French culture is a bit rusty. Apparently he can run fast. Much other than that I’m not sure who exactly he was.

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