Sunday, November 2, 2008

off to the land of karfu and ramses. of cleopatra and king tut.

So perhaps my most exciting tidbit of information that I have to share with the masses is that this Friday, in precisely 105 hours, 21 minutes and 2 seconds, I will officially be on my way TO EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For a 10 day vacation. Complete with pyramids, mummies, a bazaar, camels, sand, and 80 degree temperatures. (do I need to mention again just how truly excited I am)

I checked my schedule and that week it turned out that all but one of my classes was going to be cancelled so I figured that I’d take a long vacation to somewhere that required that much time spent. Contemplated Dubai as well, but then when I was looking at prices for hotels dubai came in at around 70 dollars a night whereas Egypt clocked in at about 3 dollars a night. I was sold. So booked a flight. Going with my friend Jason. Cannot wait. I’ll write all about it once I’m back….. but here’s a preview.

(pretend that’s me in the photo)


So I went to the zoo the other day. Of all the amazingly cultural things I can do in paris, I go to the zoo. Very apropos. Well lets just say it was one of the absolutely coolest things I’ve seen here so far. I mean besides amazing museums and grand architecture. It was the weirdest zoo I’ve ever been to. I walked in and the first thing I saw was a bunch of red pandas, which I’d never seen before so I was off to a good start to begin with. Continued walking and encountered loads and loads of birds and little deer like things. I swear the one thing about the zoo is that they pick the 30 things that they want to exhibit and then elaborate on those indefinitely. If they had one species of macaw they had 10 different species. For example they had 6 different types of owls, and 5 YES 5 different species of vulture. I didn’t know that many types of vultures existed in the world.

One thing that was equally as thrilling about the zoo is that all of their exhibits that need tanks (such as amphibians and reptiles) were all housed in these buildings that looked like they could’ve been old science halls. It was like something out of a 1950s movie. (see below, you’ll understand) also, they didn’t feel bad at all about housing two different types of animals in the exact same cage. A python and turtles for example.

Also, I think the entire 20 other people that were at the zoo must think that I’m totally mental, but I kept walking around and cracking up hysterically at the things that the zoo deemed necessary to exhibit.
EXAMPLE: they have a bunny rabbit and guinea pig exhibit. LITEREALLY guinea pigs. And their pen was bigger than the goats’ pen. Needless to say when I saw that I laughed so hard out loud that people openly stared. Guess they don’t have guinea pigs as house pets….

EXAMPLE TWO: they also have a raccoon exhibit. Again, I was laughing so hard I was in tears.

After it was all said and done I had spent a brilliant 3 hours at the zoo, and I had taken over 450 photos. Nothing like paying 5 euros for an entire afternoon of entertainment.

le tournois du rugby

Hello all.

So after a big long week of school off I suppose I’m ready to start blogging once again. I’ve had a couple of rugby matches now. And its absolutely brilliant. After the last game I was bleeding from my right knee and my left knee looked like someone took a mallet to it and just beat it. It was purple and green and blue. Totally ridiculous. But rugby really is loads of fun. We had a tournament on Thursday and it was an all day thing. 6 different schools. And each school brought a girls rugby team, boys rugby team, boys and girls soccer. In any case, we tied our first match and won our second and then ran out of time to play our third. Which was lame. But in any case, ESCP wound up winning the entire thing, the whole gosh darn tournament. Needless to say there was much celebration both on the bus ride home (the games are an hour outside of paris) and afterwards in the school bar. Very fun. Oh, and some famous track star was there too, but alas, my French culture is a bit rusty. Apparently he can run fast. Much other than that I’m not sure who exactly he was.