Tuesday, August 26, 2008

estoy aquí

i´m alive. that´s a start right? had fine flights from madison to chicago and chicago to zurich. the airport in zurich was super high tech very pretty. in any case, we got into barcelona fine and got our luggage etc. found a train, made it to the train station. and then realized we had 2.5 hours to sit around and do nothing. tried to take a nap, got yelled at because i looked homeless i guess. (i feel as though that seems to happen a lot to me when i want to take a nap) in any case, got on teh train and wound up sitting by 3 americans-i made new friends! we convinced them to to go buñol with us for tomatina so we´re meeting them at the train station at 6:15 in the morning tomorrow. that´ll be interesting. in any case, when the train ride was all said an done i´d been traveling for a full 24+ hours. needless to say, we watched a spanish game show, accidentally watched some spanish porn, and called it a night. the room turns out to be one that we have to ourselves which is nice since we won´t have to worry about our passports getting stolen while we´re at tomatina. only downside is it sort of smells like dirty socks. that you got re-wet. its gross. but i was just too tired to care, and passed out just the same.

okay today we woke up at 10 after a power 11 hours of sleep. (never have i been so happy to be horizontal) michael and i decided to just sort of wander around the old city and just wind up wherever our feet took us. we finally wound up at the main cathedral. it was gorgeous! we started the endeavour into our european exploration climbing a 20 story belltower. (think stone spiral staircase that has a railing on one side, but 2-way traffic. it was a shitshow to say the least. pretty much in order for it to work, one person had to lay flat against the inside rail, and hold on so they don´t go tumbling down the stairs while the other person squeezed behind holding onto the railing. great fun. for 20 flights. anywho, made it to the top and discovered just how out of shape i really am. (i mean i had my suspicions, but holy woah) at least i didn´t pass out like one poor lady. i suppose that´s one good thing. from the top we could see the whole city of valencia... and then my camera died. oops. after we descended the same stairs and started the whole adventure over again. although, we met fewer people on the way down, it was still just as scary because this time we were the ones holding the inner thing whle others went past. alas, we got down safely (no broken bones) and decided to do the really nerdy listening tour. but hey 4euro to see the holy grail, who can turn that down. (really, the holy grail. i had no idea it was in valencia, but hey, when in spain, right?) so yeah, i saw the holy grail. and i took a really awesome picture with it. (i´ll post things later, i don´t have my cord, oh yeah, and my camera´s dead...)

anyways, besos y hasta luego.

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